Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our First Spotlight Member

Our spotlight members are going to be our Snagger of the Week, so if you are lucky enough to get nominated to be spoiled by the taggers hehee, then you get to write a little something about yourself so that our members can learn something about you. And well Dark is our SOTW for this week and this is what she has written about herself for you all to get to know her better, and you can always put in comments any questions you might have for her to get to know her even better.

My name in all spaces is Dark
Even in the real world My friends call me that
I ride a Motorcycle as a way of life and love it
I live in Louisiana and for relaxation I PSP
I started in computers in 1977 with a coco or tandy color 80 at the time
I moved up to networking with a BBS we ran on a Comodore 64 in the early 80s
I have been with the same DH since 1977 and married him in 1985
I am 49 and have two children 10yo twin boys that live at home
and one 19yo daughter that has move 3500 miles away ;-(
I have been tagging since about 6 years ago but I only used Corel Draw 6
I was off line for about 3 years just for personal reasons
When I returned the tagging world had changed drastically
I brok my corel disk and they said they could not replace it :`(
so 2 years ago I invested in psp I now use 9 and have 12 floating around somewhere
I LOVE Tagging and absolutely am a Piggie!!!
I also draw a bit and write pornetry (my word lol). Love to play pool.
I have lots of time to do it right now as I am also unemployed ;-(
and not many openings here as well I am 49 lol Sucks having no money though.
Anything else you would like to know just ask


Template by Exotic Mommie Header made by Chelle/WillowRaven for Snaggers Annonymous