Sunday, March 1, 2009

Welcome To The Snaggers Blog

Well, here it is. Our very own blog for Snaggers Annonymous. A place where we can get to know the members, get to know whats going on in the group and just anything else we can think of put on here :)

Firstly, I would like to congratulate Chelle aka WillowRaven on winning our Anniversary Contest which was to create a header for the blog. Only thing is nobody knew what the banners were for. I must say that each and every one of the entries were wonderful and Im hoping in time we can switch it up some and use all the different banners at some point to show them off. If you would like to see all of the entries from the contest you can see them HERE.

Now, we have a long way to go to get everything set up in here, so just bear with me and remember, this is your blog too so if you ever have any suggestions for things we can put on here, dont hesitate to contact me at and let me know.

I will be sending an email through the group asking for stuff from yall so that I can get things added to start filling the blog up for us :)

I hope you all enjoy the site and I hope it becomes a place we can always come to when we need something or just want to learn about someone.



Template by Exotic Mommie Header made by Chelle/WillowRaven for Snaggers Annonymous